Wow! My second sci-fi anthology this month

Spring Into SciFi 2019 image
Just got my copy of Spring Into SciFi 2019, which includes my story “The Pattern of Dot’s.”

I’ve just received my copy of the latest anthology to include one of my short stories. Spring Into SciFi 2019, published by Cloaked Press, includes “The Pattern of Dot’s,” which shows what happens when the programming of an AI-driven car goes haywire. Many readers are comparing the collection to the golden age of pulp science fiction magazines, such as Astounding, Galaxy, and Analog.

Spring Into SciFi 2019 is available in print and as an ebook on Amazon now. The ebook is free to Amazon Prime members.

My fellow authors include Joanna Maciejewska, Terry Sanville, Kevin Stadt, Margaret Karmazin, Stephen MQuiggan, Anthony Engebretson, Sam Fletcher, James Pyles, Elizabeth Hosang, Andrew Sweetapple, Alex Minns, and Tony Conaway.

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